Range Rover Timing Chain Failures: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention Strategies

3 min readJun 23, 2023


What Does a Timing Chain Do?

There must be some mechanisms in place for your vehicle to move forward and backward successfully. Every mechanical car engine has pistons connected to a crankshaft that rotates either upward or downward. The engine plays a significant role.

In most modern applications, the engine’s camshaft is installed above the cylinder. It is in charge of opening and closing the valves in the cylinder in time with the movement of the pistons. The timing chain controls the timing so that the valves can open and close as each cylinder moves, synchronizing the camshaft and crankshaft rotations. The timing chain’s precision is extremely important to the overall movement of a vehicle’s mechanical parts. Timing chains resemble bicycle chains in appearance.

Are there timing belts on Range Rovers?

Timing belts are used in some range rovers, while timing chains are used in others. A timing belt and a timing chain both serve the same purpose: Their materials are the primary distinction. Steel is used to make the chain, and rubber is used to make the belt. Famous online Range Rover spare part stores sell Land rover parts online. Land Rover Wreckers and Range Rovers Wreckers can assist you in moving your Land Rover to the right location in the event of problems with the timing belt or other spare parts.

A typical knocking or rattling noises occurring at engine speeds are the Range Rover’s most common problem. This may cause internal engine damage or malfunction if left unattended. Keep in mind that certain engine noises are normal.

The timing chain-related issues that are more prevalent in some Land Rover models are unique.

The manufacturer has updated some parts that are related to the timing chain as a result of this issue to prevent these vehicles from experiencing premature timing chain system malfunction. Land Rover wreckers and Range Rover wreckers of TR Spares can assist you in transporting your damaged vehicle to the appropriate repair facility in the event of a malfunction.

Range Rover Timing Chain Failures: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention Strategies

The timing chain regulates the timing from the piston to the valve; consequently, if there are problems with the timing chain, the pistons and valves could collide, resulting in the engine’s mechanical failure.

· Timing Chain Rattling: If your engine makes an unusual rattling sound when it is idle, it may have a damaged timing chain. When the engine is started, this indicates that the chain may be stretched. The casing rattles.

Timing chain noise can be brought on by using oils that are not approved by the manufacturer and not changing the engine oil and filter on a regular basis.

· Extended Timing Chain: Engine that Doesn’t Work: The air-to-fuel ratio may be out of balance, which can result in a lack of power, which is usually shown by a jerking motion.

· Oil That Has Been Contaminated: When engine oil begins to become contaminated with metal parts, the timing chain may have a problem.

Other indications that the timing chain needs to be replaced include performance restricted message.

When a timing chain breaks, what happens?

Every vehicle’s component will eventually fail as a result of constant use. Your vehicle can last longer if its components are maintained properly. The chain can become slack if it is not properly tensioned. It will suffer from excessive heat and friction if it is over-tensioned. Additionally, when a timing chain drive-related component begins to fail, the chain jumps, causing damage inside the engine.

· Strategies for Preventing It: Your chain noise will undoubtedly notify you when it becomes defective. Getting a new timing chain is the only option if the chain is broken. However, there are some practices that can assist you in reducing noise:

Complying with the service interval guidelines provided by the manufacturer., reducing oil change intervals by half for vehicles that are primarily driven in urban areas or in extreme weather, utilizing only the fluids that the manufacturer recommends.

Conclusion: The prevention is carried out in accordance with the guidelines and procedures outlined in the Land Rover Workshop repair manual.



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