Depending on wood for the heating purpose is a good idea these days because with oil prices going up day by day. Also, wood is a much cheaper option for all your heating purposes. Oil is a commodity whose price we have no control over. So investing in a wood gasification boiler is the best decision that one can take. Wood gasification is a process that generates the gas required to run a household by burning wood and generating energy out of it.
Here are five useful tips to buy a wood gasification boiler:
1. Getting the best wood for the gasification boiler is important as this makes a huge difference. There must be ample stock of clean and dry wood at disposal for the gasification boiler. Some of the best trees where one can harvest wood are red maple trees, sugar maple, oak trees, hickory tree, beech wood, and hornbeam. These trees grow in abundance and are available readily for use. Another good strategy is to pick up the sticks that have fallen in the garden and store them. Just pick up anything that is dead and fallen in the garden or neighborhood.
2. Plan the storage of wood strategically and correctly. The place where the wood is going to be stored should not be damp or moist else the wood will not fire up when needed. Keep the wood off the ground as much as possible and a wooden carton that sits on a shelf should be fine. Nothing fancy, but something that is made of salvaged materials is just about fine.
3. Heating by using wood gasification methods is quite laborious and it takes a lot of preparation. If a person is suffering from backaches or other health problems, it is best to buy wood from a local vendor. It still works out cheaper than gas despite buying wood. However, for healthier people, this is a good exercise as it is laborious.
4. Wood gasification boilers are not exactly cheap initially and the initial installation can cost up to $3000. However, over the time period of usage, it evens out and becomes a cheaper option. The initial costs are high but at a later point of time the savings on gas bills makes it cheaper and leveled out.
5. There are some risks involved in generating energy using wood because you are playing with fire ‘literally’. One should have their home insurance plan in place and also valid. Also, the gasification boiler should be placed outside the house with fireproofing in between the main house and the boiler.
These boilers are a cheaper option any day for those people who are using gas heaters to keep themselves warm in winter.